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Shows this week!

Pages are up, I don’t know HOW I managed to get it done on time, but yay, I did XD Anyways! They are up, and you can view them :p  We finally got to the chapter title page. I just really like dressing Lily up, haha. In other news, I have two events this week! On Wednesday, Dec 9th, I’ll be at Tenth Planet in Schererville, IN selling from 4-6 PM. Come out and see me, AND pick up the latest issues of comics! Not bringing 100% of my stuff, but I’ll have all my books, prints, and bookmarks with me. I probably won’t have time to actually do art commissions at the event, but I WILL be taking them there for anyone interested. And then on Saturday, I will be at Tomkat’s Comic Con in Hammond (same location as last time). I’ll have my whole set up with me for that one. I’m plotting to do a half-assed version of fem Loki for that one, too (trying something different). It will probably be pretty slow, since the last ones have been, so I would love anyone who comes by <3 And then Sunday, I’m going to hang out with RamenCon for a pre-event! Busy weekend, but looking forward to it.

Comic Book Signing Next Week!

Soo, I got myself an artist/author event at a local comic shop “Tenth Planet” next week, on the 9th :3 Looking forward to it! I’ll be there from 4-6 PM if any of ya’ll are actually local and want to go. Other than that, just lots of working on the pages. Aaaand drawing Keowee. Soo glad to be done with her for a while XD these are the last pages she’s in, at least for this chapter (hence the transition frame) :p Nothing much else going on! Just getting all my holiday stuff done. Calendar preorders are up on my Etsy, but I’ll be getting them up elsewhere, too, when I get more of it actually done. It’s all drawn at least.

New chapter begins

This week chapter 46 begins! With this, we are officially out of the content for volume 9, too. So all new stuff, even for those of you who purchased the books, mwahaha >D It’s so strange drawing and coloring some of these characters again. But at the same time, it’s also fun.  It’s really nostalgic~ Anyways, enjoy the pages! I’ll try to keep up! Mwa hahah

Youma Con Over

and with the end of YoumaCon and October…this week we reach the end of the pages in volume 9! So those of you who bought it got a good six months of pages ahead of time, hahaha.  Now I wonder what will happen next ^.~ Anyways, I’ll try not to actually fall behind on page releases, but as next Friday is my birthday, there may be a day delay :p I’m working on outlining all of the pages for volume 10 right now, so I can get it out for the 10th anniversary in time. Also, there were some navigation errors and missing pages/chapters.  Everything SHOULD be working now, but please, let me know if there are any problems! Next weekend is Tomkat’s Comic Con in Hammond, so I hope to see ya’ll there :3

YoumaCon Done

And damn, I barely got my books in on time D: I was totally out of volumes 2 and 3 of Zos Kias, so it was it was terrifying! But, they ended up coming in Thursday, and although it was after I left, Kasumi was lovely enough to grab the box for me on her way up! So glad she did, haha. thanks for those of you who came and bought several volumes. Glad I was able to provide. Fueh. And hello to any new readers I picked up this weekend :3  I hope ya’ll enjoy it~ I’m busy getting the stuff for new pages (aka stuff that will be in volume 10) together. I want to make sure it’s out in time for the 10 year anniversary, of course :p Only have small, local shows left to vend at for this year. A much needed break!