Drama Scripts

2007 Christmas-

Light (Ranefea)
Umishin (Komiko)
Kazehiko (Tenoh Himeko)
Lillian (Tomoe Sakura)
Natasha (Sanzaki Kojika)
Randy (Sanzaki Kojika)
SFX (K-co Girls)

: Ne, ne, ne~! Everybody! It’s Christmas!
Kaze: Ah, Lillian-san! That’s right! But…it’s still a bit early…
Light: Eh…christmas? What…?
Kaze:  EH!? No way!
Light: …sorry…(so embarrassing…)
Umishin: Light…help me! Owie-!
Kaze: Mizuno! GEEZ! …it’s over…
Lillian: It’s fine, it’s fine,,,it’s still early, nee?
Kaze: But…the Christmas tree…
Light: Is that really precious…?
Kaze: Well…it is…for me…
Light: Ah…
Natasha:  Ah, what happened?
Kaze: Mizuno …
Natasha: That moron…
Umishin: SHEESH! It’s not my fault-!  That thing was too heavy!
Randy: It’s alright! Go buy a new one!
Kaze: Bu-but…there’s not enough time…
Lillian: Leave it to me!
Kaze: Ah! I forgot…heh heh..
Natasha: That’s right…Lillian-san is an earth user.
Randy: (So am I~)
Kaze: Lillian-san! Thanks, nya~!
Lillian:  Dun mind, dun mind! Now then, mistletoe time!
Randy: Mi-mistletoe!?
Natasha: Wha-what is it!? The way you’re looking…is a bit…
Light:  That’s another strange thing…
Umishin: Um…two people under the mistletoe…ki-kiss…
Light: Ah, I see…
Lillian:  Ahaha! The two under the mistletoe are-
Kaze:  Randy and Natasha-san!?
Randy: Eh~!? (lucky!)
Lillian:  Kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss!
Natasha: …I get it. So annoying…
Lillian:  Yay yay yay~!!
Umishin: Oi, Light…come over here…
Light:  I refuse.
Umishin: Ah, that’s mean~!
Kaze: Everyone, time to sing~!
Everyone: We wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas, and a happy New Year! Happy holidays, everyone!  Thanks for your support!


2008 Summer Drama-

Light (Ranefea)
Umishin (Komiko)
Kazehiko (Tenoh Himeko)
Lily (Sanzaki Kojika)
Natsha (Sanzaki Kojika)
Randy (Zecarius)
SFX (K-co Girls)

(the sound of the ocean in the bg)
Lily: *stretching* Mm! What a good feeling!
Kazehiko: It’s nostalgic nya…
Lily: *snicker* Kaze-kun is like an old man!
Kazehiko: Ee!? What is that, this!?
Lily: A ha ha ha! *running off*
Kazehiko: GEEEZ! *chases*
Natasha: Ah, those two are still children…must be nice…those kinds of naïve thoughts…
Randy: Eh? Natasha…Are you alright?
Natasha: Ah, ah…sorry…I didn’t mean to worry you…
Randy: Natasha…!
Umishin: Sheesh! The ocean is only for fun!  It’s better to stop that sort of thing!
Natasha: …asshole..!
Light: The ocean isn’t only like that…It’s Seira’s home.
Umishin:…well…right now, just fun! You got it!?
Light: Y-yeah…one way or another…
Lily: Neee, Light-nii-san, Umi-nii-san!  Let’s play!
Umishin: Yeees~! Here I come~!  Light, you too!
Light: *sigh* Yes…I get it…
Randy: The truth is…this is my first time, going to the ocean…
Natasha: Really? Poor thing…the ocean is a gentle place…
Randy: A gentle place? Huh? How do ya mean?
Natasha: We-well…it’s a little difficult…one day, Randy will understand…
Randy: E he he, definitely!
Kazehiko: Oooow! Nyaaaaaaa….!
Natasha: Kaze-kun!? Are you okay!
Kazehiko: Y-yeah…
Light: (running up) Kaze-kun!
Lily: Neko-chan!!!
Umishin: Aah….sorry, sorry!
Light: That bastard…! (thunk)
Umishin: HEY! That hurts!
Light: Yeah, I’m glad.
Umishin: You’re hooooorible~!
Lily: That wound…looks like it hurts…
Kazehiko: J-just a bit…
Lily: pain, pain, fly away~! (NOTE: this is a Japanese children’s song to remove pain)
Kazehiko: …ah? What’s that…that kind of foolishness…
Lily: EH!? It isn’t foolish!  It’s my true feelings!  Stupid cat!
Kazehiko: Oi, oi…
Lily: Whatever.  From now on, let’s swim…!
Kazehiko: No way!  I really hate water!
Light: Eh? Really?  I don’t like it either…but it’s not hate…
Umishin: I love water the best!
Natasha: You…because Kaze-kun is a cat, he doesn’t like water.  In the past, Light had a bad time with water…isn’t that so?
Light: Yeah…
Kazehiko: nya…
Umishin: ..say…what can we do!?
Randy: Hm…aa! Volley ball!
Natasha: Randy…good idea!
Randy: Heh heh!
Umishin: Sounds good! OK!
Light:…um, excuse me…
Umishin: What is it?
Light: What’s volley ball?
Umishin: (facefault) NO WAAAAAAAY~!?
Light: …shut up…
Natasha: you too, knock it off. From now on, it’s summer break…
Kazehiko: Yeah, yeah! Everyone, play, play~!
Light: …yeah, sorry. I’m looking forward to it.
Umishin: Right, right. Me too! Light, shall we play, together?
Light: Eh…it’s fine…
Umishin: I’m glad! You are my precious partner~!
Light: …aa…u…
Umishin: Come, come, come!
Randy: Natasha, us too!
Natasha: Yeah.
Lily: Neko-chan, come heeere~!
Kazehiko: Geez, knock it off..!
Everyone: Thanks for your kindness for these two years! From now on, too, please continue to support us!