Website Updated!

All of the elements of the website have been updated! Be sure to check out the new features, and let me know what you think. There’s still some elements I may go back and tweak later on, but it’s all functional and looking sharp.

I’ve added a few events that will be held this year, but most of the events will end up being online as we progress through this pandemic. I’m always looking for more events to take part in, and I hope to find more to add throughout the year.

I plan on pushing my books for the tour that I wanted to do in person this year as online instead, so be sure to check out updates on that as it progresses. I’m looking into more virtual tour options, as well as guests posts, podcast, and radio show.

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Zos Kias, Volume 15. The next installment in the ongoing webcomic. As Lillian's battle ends, a more cruel battle begins! The end of the vampire arc

