Archive of Sinners

First post of the New Year! I hope everyone had a great holiday season! Let’s start this new year off with a bang!

The first book in the Archive of Sinners: Lust, hit Amazon today! I didn’t expect it to go up so fast, but it did! The link has been updated in the book section. The ebook actually is not up for a change first, but I hope to remedy the missing link within the next day or two.

The series is planned as a seven book series. Greed is already about half written. Not sure when that book will go live, but i will give you a release estimate when it’s closer to done.

My first con of the year has been added to my schedule! I’ll be vending at UchiCon at the University of Chicago.

This will also be the year of volume 10 of Zos Kias…and it’s 10th year anniversary! I’m planning to do some giveaways and contents throughout the year, but I need some time to get caught up on commissions before I work everything out. Busy, busy.

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