Altier live

New book is live! Altier is up now! I’m so excited! Both the paperback and the ebook version. You can find information, and where to buy it on my “book” page.

My copies will sadly probably not be in for YoumaCon (my next event), but they will be in for my event after that (Tomkat’s Comic Con in Hammond), so you can your hands on a copy there.

Anyone at YoumaCon will be able to order the book for “con price” and pay shipping, and I will ship them when it comes in.

I’m very happy and excited to be done with this book. Though there is a sequel planned, there is no scheduled release date, and I will wait to see how sales go before I make any decisions on that.

Please read and review <3 I might hold a contest for free copies of the ebook later.

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