Zos Kias Volume 10

Zos Kias volume 10 will be going up live shortly on the site! I’ll let you know when it’s up for sure.

The first event as of now that it will be with me at will be RamenCon. Sorry for the delay on the book, but it put me into pages from next year! I’m excited to have it finally in print.

Archive of Sinner: Greed is going through final edits, so I bumped up the release from October to September. I may actually bump it up to August, depending on how things go. Gluttony’s already under way, too. With any luck, I’ll have that one done by the end of the year, too.

Also making progress on volume 2 of Kappa to Ieba. I want to have it out for YoumaCon, but we’ll see how busy I get in between now and October. Thanks for being patient!

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